Remote Cell Access Products
- Cellular or Permanent Remote Access
- 24/7/365 Availability
- Portable Cell Modem, Wireless or Cloud interconnectivity
- Permanently Wired or Wireless
- Reduce field investigation costs
- Cloud interconnectivity (available in 2020)
TurboRemote CellTLX
Cellular Based Assistance, Remote Support and Troubleshooting
- Provisional use product that provides factory technical personnel, temporary remote access to compressors to view live operating data for real-time analysis, tuning and troubleshooting.
- Can be supported for short, intermediate or long-term use.
- Features safe and secure remote machine access via a cellular modem that is controlled by the user.
- Kits can be rented, leased or purchased.
TurboRemote CloudTLX
Cloud Based Management and Monitoring
- Available for a single compressor or world-wide fleet of compressors.
- A cloud-based IIOT product that provides remote operating status, event information, abnormal event notification, historical data, maintenance reminders, and service/PM reports via the Internet or smart device.
- Features safe, secure VPN technology for remote Cloud hosting of compressor activity, data and maintenance updates.
- Interface hardware is supplied as part of the agreement.
- Available as a subscription service.
- Currently in beta testing (available in 2020)